Having a Hosted VoIP Call Center Is a HUGE cost saver to Small Business

Call centers have advanced in the decades since they were first created. Companies use call centers for customer service, sales and technical support. These call centers allow specific trained employees to handle certain customer inquires. It not only eases these employees day by not having to juggle multiple jobs, but works fantastically for the customer who can get clear correct information by these trained individuals. Features in a traditional call center allows these employees to work faster but if your company is using a traditional phone system, you should consider switching over to a hosted VoIP call center. Why you ask? Here are some of the benefits:

Lower Costs

In operating your small business, you want to make sure that you are using all of your funds correctly. Call centers can quickly deplete you budget especially when dealing with down time and equipment failure. A VoIP system will cost your business much less then a traditional system and you can use those extra dollars in other parts of your organization.


A Hosted VoIP call center is feature rich. You are not nickel and dimed to death with extra features. They are usually a full feature rich package. This will help your company meet and exceed productivity goals and help make the experience for both your customer and employee more enjoyable with ease of use.


Call centers usually have a large number of phones and other expensive communication equipment. Between the staff and managing all of the maintenance of the equipment in house can be a huge undertaking. With a hosted VoIP system, it removes the stress of housing and managing your phone system. You are taken out the telecommunications business and are able to concentrate on your business. We handle all of the trouble shooting and technical issues. Even though the system is off site, you will still be able to make changes easily to the system. Companies may think that upgrading to a Hosted VoIP system is a huge undertaking but with the right VoIP company, it will be a seamless transition. All of the cost benefits, additional features and ease of use will make your new call center worth the time to update to a modern system.

How do you know if a hosted VoIP system is a great fit for your business? To figure that out you need to understand all of the costs associated with a cloud based, hosted VoIP system. To measure the performance of your business you have to know what your profit is. What a lot of business owners don’t realize is that there are other options that can drastically reduce your annual spending and save your company money. Which improves your bottom line while enjoying the benefits of using modern equipment. A benefit of paying monthly for your new equipment is that when updated equipment comes out, you are able to upgrade your services for a small amount of money. Your office will can always have the latest and greatest equipment and updated features. To choose the best system for your needs, we have included a bunch of information to help you understand all of the different charges associated with the VoIP system. Every month VoIP providers charge fees for their systems. Usually the fees cover the following:

  • New equipment and software purchases, network assessment fees, system installation and employee training.

  • Data solutions, voice solutions and monthly services

  • Technical support and equipment maintenance

There will also be one time acquisition costs which usually covers getting your office ready for the VoIP service and annual maintenance costs may be broken out annually or set up as monthly recurring charges. Savatar Consulting compiled the following numbers while assisting a 50 employee insurance company who was looking for a phone system on the east coast. These projections were based on what the 50 employee business could expect to spend over a three year period.

Traditional Services Upfront cost of installation – configuration and training $420 Monthly recurring cost for a data circuit, usage charges and service contract $4042.50 or $145530 over a 3 years No annual maintenance cost associated with the traditional phone service Total over 3 years: $145,950 VoIP PBX upfront cost of 50 new phones, equipment, shipping, installation and configuration $40,518 monthly recurring cost for a data circuit, usage charges and management fee comes to $1798.50 per month or $64,746 over 3 years. Annual maintenance cost $2700 per year or $8100 for 3 years (to keep the onsite equipment up to date and have access to tech support. Total over 3 years: $113,364 Cloud-Based Phone System upfront cost of 50 new VoIP phones, a Quality of Service (QoS) device, data route, installation, activation and staff training $16,884
monthly recurring cot for a data circuit and service contract totals $1930 per month or $69480 over 3 years Maintenance costs are included in the monthly service charges as the vendor handles all of the maintenance costs Total over 3 years: $86,364 Sometimes the least expensive option is not necessarily the best option as you lose quality of service and you receive a below par product. When you see the cost over 3 years for a Cloud-based system that is significantly lower then a traditional system you might worry that you are receiving that below par product. That is an untrue statement. The Cloud based system not only offers a more feature rich product and a better quality product then the traditional and IP PBX solutions. And the good news is that YOU don’t have to maintain the system, your provider handles that. The Traditional and IPPBX systems require costly equipment and you will have to factor in the cost of server equipment and additional fees you may be charged for after hours or emergency service calls. With a cloud based system, the VoIP provider has to cover all of the service issues and maintenance costs which translates into huge savings and fewer challenges to efficiency. As a business owner looking to improve your bottom line, let us take you out of the telephone business and provide you with a cloud based phone system which could be the solution that you have been looking for.


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