What do you do about an older business phone system?

The technology in business phone systems has improved and will improve over time. Older equipment wears out.

Can you make the most of what you have and still lay the groundwork for upgrading? Absolutely, yes!

Clients with systems from manufacturers that no longer make phone systems like Fujitsu, Merlin and Nortel's older equipment have found that we can help them make the transition without throwing everything away. The motivating force may be the difficulty and/or expense of finding parts that have worn out. It may be off-brand parts that don't really work. It may be that service for the system is difficult to find. Phone system failure can mean lost revenue, no matter the cause. The cost of a completely new system from Open One Solutions can be very affordable. The reliability and security of one of our systems will keep you confident that you won't lose business to a phone system failure.

The cost of a legacy PBX systems has and will continue to increase as carriers move away from plain old telephone (POTS) numbers. These are typically charged per line, and, as that fee rises, the overall cost goes up. We were able to design a modern system for one of our clients that saved them hundreds of dollars per month by eliminating the "per line" fees. No matter what your situation, we can help you.

Open One Solutions, Inc. is a Chicago based Business VoIP Provider specializing in both cloud / hosted and premised based IP phone systems or IP-PBX solutions. Open One Solutions brings years of experience in this field. Our company founder has been using and deploying cloud / hosted VoIP since 2004 and deploying IP-PBX solutions since the 90’s. For additional information, contact us at 312-780-1010 or send us an email at info@openonesolutions.com


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